Bounce rate in terms of online world refers to the number of users who visit a single page and do not bounce to another site. In other words, it refers to the percentage of people who visit your site and then simply leaves the page without visiting the other page. The bounce rate is calculated in terms of percentage and may be high or low. For instance, if a website has about 200 visitors in a day and 120 of them navigate away then the site has a high bounce rate of 60%. The bounce rate is often used for web traffic analysis and helps the website owners to understand the user’s preference and helps them to know if the website is interesting enough for the user or not.
Bouncing occur when a user leaves a
page ideal for too long and the session timeouts, when the user closes the
window or opens another website without visiting others pages or leaves the
page by clicking on the back button. A high bounce rate or a low bounce rate
does not necessarily mean anything about the website’s efficiency as different
websites may have different things and the people may not necessarily be interested
in all of them. For instance, in case someone needs to check the meaning for a
particular word then he may just check one page on an online